Privacy Policy

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Our Privacy Policy

TechScape Landscape, Inc. adheres to a strict policy for ensuring the privacy of your family’s personally identifiable information. This privacy policy describes how will fulfill its commitment to you. It is our hope that this information will increase your confidence in our site and enhance your experience with TechScape Landscape, Inc.

Information You Give Us:

We will not sell or rent your personal information to others without your consent. We use the information we collect only for the purposes of sending promotional information, enhancing the operation of our site, serving advertisements, for statistical purposes and to administer our systems. We DO NOT use third parties to provide customer service, to serve site content, to serve the advertisements, to conduct surveys, to help administer promotional e-mails, or to administer drawings or contests, but reserve the right to do so in the future without advance notice. Our computer system protects your privacy and personal information using advanced firewall technology.

Information From Other Sources:

For reasons such as improving personalization of our service, we might receive information about you from other sources and add it to our account information.

Information submitted to through “Contact us” forms and online tools is used solely for the purpose for which it is intended and described at the time of use.


Thanks so much to you and your team for the great work getting our campus ready for commencement week.  From installing the seasonal color early, mulching, addressing weeds, to the extra mowing of the great lawn, you went above and beyond to insure everything looked the best that it possibly could.
BrianDallas Theological Seminary